Forces that Drive Economic Growth: Tech, UN Goals, and Global Outlook


Alvish Asher

. 2 min read

Countries that are still in the early stages of economic development typically have higher rates of population growth than countries that are further along in the development process. Children are often looked at as potential sources of revenue in societies that are based on agriculture. Additionally, in countries where there is no system of universal retirement benefits, parents frequently want more children to serve as an insurance policy for their old age. By leveraging the skills and creativity of developers, societies can adapt to changing demographics, promote social cohesion, and ensure the welfare of both the young and the elderly as they build a sustainable future.

What are the Forces that Drive Economic Growth Over the Long Term?

Accounting for growth is a method that calculates how much each of these three factors contributes to the economy. Therefore, the expansion of a nation can be dissected by determining the relative contributions of capital, labor, and technological advancements to the overall expansion of the economy. It has been demonstrated, both theoretically and empirically, that technological advancement is the primary driver of long-run growth. [Citation needed] [Citation needed] In point of fact, the explanation is not very complicated at all.

United Nations is at the forefront of this change

The United Nations (UN) has, in an extraordinary display of solidarity, ranked the most urgent problems that our world is currently facing in order of severity. The coalition of world leaders outlined the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015 at a historic United Nations summit. These goals, which went into effect on January 1, 2016, have the aim of being completed by the year 2030. These new goals, which universally apply to all nations, call on countries to mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty.


Concerning matters pertaining to human rights, it was the United Nations that developed the first comprehensive legal framework in this area. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as its subsequent counterparts, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, were the means by which the organization outlined the parameters of human rights.

Global Economy is Experiencing a Slowdown in Growth Amidst a Gloomier

The outlook for the global economy, which is still recovering from the effects of the pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is becoming more gloomy and uncertain. A significant number of the negative risks that were highlighted in our April World Economic Outlook have started to become actualities. The world's major economies, particularly the United States and major European economies, are seeing higher-than-expected inflation rates, which is leading to a tightening of global financial conditions.


In conclusion, there are several forces that drive economic growth over the long term, including capital, labor, and technological advancements. The United Nations has taken a leading role in promoting sustainable development goals that aim to end poverty, fight inequalities, and tackle climate change. However, the global economy is currently experiencing a slowdown in growth, with significant negative risks becoming actualities, including higher-than-expected inflation rates in major economies such as the United States and Europe.

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